Let us unlock your body’s potential. Whether you push your body to the maximum or just want to feel better in your everyday life, at Rygg & Rehab we know how to take care of the body, both to enhance performance and ease the effects of an injury.
Call us at (08) 66 22 333 for an appointment.
Naprapathic treatment aims to restore the body’s natural modes of movement and to help establish a balance between flexibility and stability. This balance is achieved through a combination of manual treatments, which include massage, stretching, manipulation and mobilisation. As required, we also use ultrasound treatment and electrotherapy to stimulate the healing process or train weak muscles. We encourage follow-up appointments centering on training and exercises, as well as ergonomics in order to head off recurring aches and pains.
Before beginning treatment, we conduct a thorough examination and take a detailed case history. When you come to Rygg & Rehab for a consultation, please bring any records related to your condition, for example, x-ray films, test results, medical journals or lists of any medications being taken. Should further investigation be required, we will make appropriate referrals to orthopedic specialists, neurologists or other qualified specialists.
At Rygg & Rehab, Swedish massage is also available. This massage reduces pain, raises blood circulation and lymphatic function, and also benefits hormonal production. Scar tissue and dysfunctions in the connective tissue can also be treated with massage.